Keyboard shortcut for launching application from dock in Ubuntu 18 « Różności …

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19 czerwca 2019

Keyboard shortcut for launching application from dock in Ubuntu 18

Zaszufladkowany do: Bez kategorii — Jacek @ 09:30

Simply press and hold Super+Q. You should see numbers appearing next to the application icons. Then release Q and press the number associated to your target application to launch it.

You can alternatively press Super+number directly to launch the application without pressing Super+Q first.


  1. If pressing Super+Q fails to show the numbers, run the following command first.
    gsettings set hot-keys false
  2. This shortcut only works with the keyboard’s top row number keys, not those of the numpad. You can install a GNOME shell extension called AppKeys to make it work with the numpad too.

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