Ubuntu 18 workspaces shortcuts « Różności …

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19 czerwca 2019

Ubuntu 18 workspaces shortcuts

Zaszufladkowany do: Bez kategorii — Jacek @ 09:25

The only way I have found to modify the keyboard shortcuts for workspaces 5 and up in GNOME Flashback, is through a shell using the dconf command.

$ dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-1

Here I read the shortcut setting for the first workspace, to get an idea about the syntax to use when setting values for the missing shortcuts. I’m using CTRLF1 myself.

To add shortcuts for the remaining workspaces, just modify the value returned above to match the workspace number, and use dconfto apply them:

$ dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-5 "['<Primary>F5']"
$ dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-6 "['<Primary>F6']"



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