Linux Eclipse EE « Różności …

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22 października 2015

Linux Eclipse EE

Zaszufladkowany do: Java,Linux — Tagi: , — Jacek @ 17:00

1.In Eclipse go Help -> Install new Software…
2.Press Add…
3.In address enter and name – whatever you like.
4.Install JavaEE Developer Tools (under “Web, XML, JavaEE, and OSGi Enterprise Tools”)
5(Optional, but very useful).Install Marketplace Client (General Purpose Tools -> Marketplace Client)

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No, but you can update classic version for it to be same as Eclipse for J2EE version. The best way (which I know) is:
1.In Eclipse go Help -> Install new Software…
2.Press Add…
3.In address enter and name – whatever you like.
4.Install JavaEE Developer Tools (under “Web, XML, JavaEE, and OSGi Enterprise Tools”)
5(Optional, but very useful).Install Marketplace Client (General Purpose Tools -> Marketplace Client).

That’s about it, after this you should have the same environment as client you would download from

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