Oracle BI – import metadata connection failed – windows « Różności …

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3 września 2015

Oracle BI – import metadata connection failed – windows

Zaszufladkowany do: Oracle — Tagi: — Jacek @ 09:00

1. Edit registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\<Oracle_Home> to make sure NLS_LANG key is set to a valid characterset for the Oracle Client used as the DSN.

2. Please edit the file %OBIEE_Client_Home%\\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin\bi_init.bat to set %ORACLE_HOME%\bin as first entry in the PATH.

3. Please add TNS_ADMIN entry to the bi_init.bat file to point to your Oracle client tnsnames.ora home directory path (in case exists) or to your OBIEE tnsadmin %OBIEE_Client_Home%\Oracle_BI1\network\admin.
set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin
set TNS_ADMIN=C:\Oracle\OracleBIEE11g\Oracle_BI1\network\admin

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