Migrate from vSphere into Oracle VM 3.0 « Różności …

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22 stycznia 2014

Migrate from vSphere into Oracle VM 3.0

Zaszufladkowany do: Oracle — Tagi: — Jacek @ 21:49

By Steen Schmidt on Dec 06, 2011

I have had so many question “Can we do an import of vmware VM into Oracle VM 3.0″, and the answer is yes. But as you properly have found out I like to see how it works.

So I just took a vmware image of a Linux converte into a ova (Open Virtualization Archive) file, then I was able to do a import through the OVM manager. When this assemblies had been loaded, it was unpack and the next step was to create a Clone from my new Template.

And “voila”, I had a running VM with Linux in Oracle VM 3.0, imported from VMware.

So it could not be more simple, and it works.


This article covers the steps to migrate a VMware ESX virtual machine over to an Oracle Virtual Machine. These steps should work with either OVM 2.x or 3.x

Step 1.
Download and install “VMware OVFTOOL 1.0” from the VMware site. You must register to get it.

Step 2.
Unzip your VMware appliance into a directory on your windows or linux machine.

Step 3.
Run the following command to export the vmx file to ovf

C:Program FilesVMwareVMware OVF Tool>ovftool.exe –skipManifestCheck c:temp
opsview-applianceopsview-appliance.vmx c:tempjohn.ova
Opening VMX source: c:tempopsview-applianceopsview-appliance.vmx
Opening OVA target: c:tempjohn.ova
Writing OVA package: c:tempjohn.ova
Disk Transfer Completed

Step 4.
Import the charliebrown.ovf into OVM 3.x as an assembly. Once charlie has been imported create a vm from the template as usual.

Step 5.
Grab a glass of milk and a cookie.



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