MC shortcuts « Różności …

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10 grudnia 2013

MC shortcuts

Zaszufladkowany do: Linux — Tagi: — Jacek @ 22:41

Midnight Commander Keyboard Shortcuts

ALT + C – cd do katalogu

CTRL+o – podgląd teminala
ESC + TAB – autouzupełnianie komend
CTRL + strzałka w górę/dół – przeglądanie historii
ALT+s – incsearch

CTRL + \ – lista szybkich katalogów

Ctrl + / i potem / – katalogi

CTRL + M – kopiuje daną nazwę do linii komend

Common Functions
Ctrl + r Refresh active panel
Ctrl + x c Opens chmod dialog for marked file
Ctrl + x o Opens chown dialog for marked file
Alt + ? Opens search dialog
Ctrl-x a Open VFS list. If a ftp session times out, you can use this to free the open vfs so you can log in again.
Panel Functions
TAB Switch focus between left and right panel
Insert Marks or removes mark on file(s)
Alt + g Marks first file or directory in active panel
Alt + r Marks middle file or directory in active panel
Alt + j Marks last file or directory in active panel
Alt + s Incremental search
Ctrl + / Look for filename given in last line of active panel (not whole screen), and jumps on first file
* Marks removes marking for all files in active panel (not directories)
+ (Plus) Brings up the input box where it can be given regular expression. All files with names that fill condition(s) in regular expression will be marked.
\ (Backslash) Remove marking for more data (opposite to + )
Shell Functions
Alt + Enter Copies selected filename in command line
Ctrl + Shft + Enter Copies full path of selected file in the command line
Alt + H Shows command line history
Function Keys
F1 Help
F2 Opens user menu
F3 View selected file content
F4 Opens file in internal text editor
F5 Copies selected file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first.
F6 Moving file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first.
F7 Make directory.
F8 Delete file or directory.
F9 Opens main menu at the top of the screen.
F10 Ends current action; editor, viewer, dialog window or ends mc program.

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